$ whoami
I’m Ben Chen (陈贲), currently a full-time undergraduate at Southern University of Science and Technology, majoring in Computer Science and Technology, focusing on System Security in COMPASS Lab, advised by Prof. Fengwei Zhang.
Also a CTFer, playing for COMPASS CTF and H4aG4au. Good at Web, Misc and Crypto.
$ cat /etc/nicknames
In formal situation, I go by the name Ben Chen or CHEN Ben. In other cases, you can find me by Ben, B3N, Ben Chan, chanbengz, z3grus, z4grus or Zagreus Hadeson.
$ cat /etc/friends
and … you!
$ ls -l /usr/bin
- Side-Channel, Cryptography, and Microarchitecture flaws
- Kernel Exploitation/Defense
- RISC-V/GPGPU Chip Design with Chisel
Penetration Testing
- Web, Network, OS, Mobile, Privilege Persistence, Social Engineering, Virus/Malware
- Source Code Audit, Malware Analysis, Traffic Analysis and Binary Analysis
- Security Response, Threat Intelligence and Hunting
- Hardware: Verilog/SystemVerilog, Chisel
- Software: C/C++, Python, Java, Rust, PHP, Javascript/Typescript, Solidity
- Platform: Linux, macOS, STM32, FPGA, Docker, Kubernetes, …
- Web: Burp Suite, Nmap, Wireshark, Metasploit, SQLMap, Hydra, Dirsearch, …
- Crypto: GnuPG, OpenSSL, Hashcat, John the Ripper, Metamask, …
- Debug: GDB/LLDB, IDA Pro, Ghidra, Radare2, Jadx, Frida, …
- Text: Vim/Neovim, $\LaTeX$, Markdown, Typst, …
- VC & CI/CD: Git, LazyGit, Github/Gitlab, …
$ cat /home/ben/publications
I wish I had some. Ongoint…
$ cat /home/ben/projects
Semester Projects
- [CS 109] Dark Chess: Dark chess game implemented in Java using Swing GUI, a rookie project.
- [CS 202] MineCPU: Standard 5-stage pipeline RISC-V CPU implemented in SystemVerilog, with cache and branch prediction as performance optimization, verified by Verilator and Unicorn simulator. As verification of functionality, the project implements a simple game, Pacman, written in C++ and cross-compiled to RV machine code. The I/O interface is integrated into the CPU and driven by MMIO.
- [CS 207] Piano by FPGA: Another rookie project introducing FPGA and Verilog, intended for learning digital design. It’s a simple piano running on FPGA with auto-play, learning and free-play modes. Developed on my own.
- [CS 301] ShinxSU7: A STM32-based robot car developed in C, with a variety of sensors and actuators, including ultrasonic, infrared, motor and bluetooth connected to a MiniSTM32 board as controller.
- [CS 303] AI Compilation: Three subprojects in CS303 Artificial Intelligence, including a Information Exposure Maximization (IEM) algorithm, image classifier and knowledge graph-based recommendation system.
- [CS 304] Software Engineering: To be determined.
- [CS 305] HTTP File Manager: Remote file manager implemented in Python to enhance the understanding of HTTP protocol along with TCP/IP for computer networks. The framework is built from scratch since the instructor requires no third-party libraries.
- [CS 309] NINJA Chat: A LLM chat web application developed in Vite and Flask.
- [CS 323] Incredibuild: A toy compiler written in Rust and LLVM, implements a subset of C language, which is called SUSTech Programming Language (SPL).
- [SWS 3011] GoFetch Demo & Mitigation: A educational website developed to give a first glance at the side-channel attack, and animate the GoFetch attack. Then it showed a possible hardware and software mitigation to defend against the attack. Meanwhile the overhead of the mitigation is also discussed.
- CS Notes @SUSTech: Course notes and materials during my undergraduate study at SUSTech, mainly for computer science.
- Write Up for CTF: Collection of my personal writeups (aka solutions) for CTF challenges. I’ve also post them on the blog.
- Slides @Slidev: Slides for presentations, mainly for academic purposes.